Brave Pioneers Battle Winter’s Persistence- Day 11 SOLSC

Last week we had sunny, 70 degree days and today snow and 30.

This is typical March weather where I live. That is why I so love to see those initial flowers that battle the hanging on of winter. They bring such hope that Spring is oh so close.

Today, I took the time to nature journal about 4 of those early Spring blooms- Winter Aconite, Snowdrops, Hellebore and Daffodils. The Winter Aconite and Snowdrops are in full bloom right now. The Hellebore and Daffodils are just buds waiting for a bit more warmth before they burst. Can’t wait for their bright yellows and pinks to fill my yard.

Here is a photo of my nature journaling for the day:

Winter Aconite

Winter Aconite and Snowdrops

Hellabore bud

Daffodil buds

10 responses to “Brave Pioneers Battle Winter’s Persistence- Day 11 SOLSC”

  1. Our daffodils are just starting to open. We have one yellow bloom. The thing I like most about March is seeing the earth come alive once again. Enjoy these early signs. Full blooms are not far behind.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. I try to nature journal one day of the weekend. I love taking my journal to a park and just wandering until something captures my interest. Can’t wait for warmer temperatures to get back to that!


  2. Here the Winter aconite are blooming but everything else is just peeking out of the ground. It will be awhile before we see flowers. Love the NJ – nice job. Have you check out Lara Gastinger on instagram? She is fun to follow.


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