Audio Books Fail Me- Day 22 SOLSC

I learned that my brain is so much more


when I see the words,

when I visualize the book worlds coming to life,

when I am transported away from my current time and place,

when the heft of the book holds my body’s attention,

when I can see my progress with each turn of the page,

when my eyes and mind are intent of what word comes next, not pulled away by a fleeting attention grabber.

I am an old fashioned book reader.

Honestly for me there is nothing better than the treasure of an actual paper book.

9 responses to “Audio Books Fail Me- Day 22 SOLSC”

  1. I agree with you. I would much rather hold a book in my hands, even if it is my Kindle, and read the words. When I am listening to a book, my mind tends to wander and think of other things I could/should be doing.


  2. Many say the same. They just cannot concentrate. I think it is ok. I wrote about this on Day 17. My son had Retinitis Pigmentosa. I used to read to him from books from when he was very small till he completed his under graduation. By that time the talking software JAWS came into his life, and he became independent in his readings. He suggested that I should develop the habit of listening to audio books and I love the experience.

    Day 17 of March SOLSC #SOL24  – Mukhamani (


  3. I completely agree with you! I used to try to listen to books while driving, but the attention I needed to pay to driving led to not listening. Even when not driving, my mind wanders when listening, but not when reading.Or if does, it’s easy to reread a section. I actually wrote a post in a similar vein today – why I have trouble with graphic novels as opposed to regular novels.

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  4. The audiobooks I typically choose are the ones on reading lists I need to get through quickly. I listen to them when a.) I take a long walk b) my commute c.) when my family wants to speak with me, lol! I do prefer to interact with the analog book though, but I’ve learned to accept them.

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  5. I prefer physical copies of books too! I have tried the audio and it’s not really for me either. I will share that sometimes I like to listen to podcasts.

    I like how you used colors in your format!

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