Storing Up Summer

Soaking up sunshine from head to toe,

Memorizing cerulean sky accented with wisps of white

Cherishing the caress of sultry warm breezes

Treasuring the tickle of lush green grass

Repeating birdsongs in my mind

Capturing the final moments of summer in my soul

Feeding me life’s brightness in seasons to come.

It is a pure delight to have sunny, 80 degree days in October in Upstate New York. These days are fleeting so I always make sure to spend as much time as possible outdoors on these gifted days.

It hit me today that I am like a squirrel. Instead of hoarding nuts for the coming winter, I am hoarding pieces of these lovely days. I have taken many photos over the last few days as well as stored images and sounds in my mind. These memories will be my soul’s food of hope and returning life when winter goes on and on.

There are 2 more glorious days forecasted. If you need me, look outside. That is where I’ll be!

4 responses to “Storing Up Summer”

  1. CMH, First of all, did I read it right? You come from upstate NY? I was born in Rome, NY and lived in Syracuse until I got married and moved to Long Island, NY. Now I live in Virginia near my 3 little Grandgirls. 80 degrees in upstate NY is a bonus. I enjoyed your post/poem so much that I would like to invite you to my Destination: Summer’s End Padlet at Would you like to add your poem to this collection that will be turned into a mini-poetry gallery of artistic expressions? I hope you will join in.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I currently live in Rochester, NY but grew up in Buffalo. Today was another bonus summer day- 87 and pure sunshine!
      I am glad you enjoyed the poem and I will add it to your padlet. Thank you for the invitation.

      I hope you enjoy living close to your grandkids. That has to make for many special times.

      Liked by 1 person

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